Announcement (updated 31 Mar 2021)


31 Mar 2021

Sorry for not updating anything this week.
I’m busy with my job.
I will try to come back in 2.3 weeks and after my laptop is fixed.

24 Fed 2021

My Facebook has been banned for 30 days because some images do not comply with Facebook’s regulations, again. Lmao
Please like/follow new page:
or Twitter:

15 Nov 2020

My Facebook has been unbanned

16 Oct 2020

My Facebook has been banned for 30 days because some images do not comply with Facebook’s regulations
so I can’t post anything on Facebook, everyone can update the info via Twitter:

13 Aug 2020

  • All Google Drive links are dead because my account is disabled.
  • I’m updating files to other cloud storage services. Please be patient

16 Aug 2020

  • 99% of posts have been corrected. 1% of posts we can’t restore download link!

Leave a comment in post which download links are dead, I will fix them as soon as possible

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